Here you can meet different demon personas available for adoption and ready to become someone’s new family member.

Every demon has his own name and individual personality traits. (So make sure you know who you’re selling your soul to ;))


Are you looking for a demon who can double as your personal life coach? Look no further than Balam — this stylish and sassy demon will guide you through the ups and downs of life with a quick wit and a sharp tongue. Plus, he’s always up for a good game of devilish delight, so you’ll never be bored with Balam around

What does it like? Well, this sharp-dressed demon likes nothing more than a good game of wit and skill, where he can show off his devilish charm and razor-sharp mind

What does it dislike? Balam despises anyone who tries to disrupt the natural order of things, and he won’t hesitate to put them in their place with a well-placed quip or snarky comment

Adopt a Demon. Anna Omni — concept photographer and digital artist in Riga, Latvia
Adopt a Demon. Anna Omni — concept photographer and digital artist in Riga, Latvia


Are you looking for a demon who can charm the pants off anyone (literally)? Look no further than Baal Berith — this suave and seductive demon has moves that will make your heart skip a beat and your knees weak. Plus, with his devilish grin and otherworldly rhythm, he’s guaranteed to be the life of any party

What does it like? They like nothing more than a good dance floor and a willing partner

What does it dislike? Despite the devilish charm, Baal Berith can’t stand anyone who takes themselves too seriously. He’s all about having a good time and making people feel good, so if you’re a stick in the mud, he’ll be sure to steer clear


Meet Alloces, the demon with a wicked sense of humor! This little guy is always up for a good time, whether it’s playing practical jokes on unsuspecting humans or causing chaos and mayhem in the underworld.

If you’re looking for a furry friend who’s a bit of a troublemaker, Alloces is the demon for you! 

What does it like? Alloces likes to have a good time, causing a little bit of mischief here and there, and of course, making humans quiver in fear

What does it dislike? Alloces hates it when things get boring or too predictable, and he can’t stand when people take themselves too seriously. After all, life is too short to be all doom and gloom, right?

Adopt a Demon. Anna Omni — concept photographer and digital artist in Riga, Latvia
Adopt a Demon. Anna Omni — concept photographer and digital artist in Riga, Latvia